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The Mark of the Beast

The Mark of the Beast has been widely accepted as 666 based on the Greek translations. But we must look at many other possibilities with an open mind and re-examine if perhaps what we have been taught could have been wrong. In this chapter, I will be showing you what the translation should have been and to let you decide for yourself whether you want to accept it or to continue in believing in what you were taught by your church.

Let's examining Revelation 13:16-18 (NIV) He also forced everyone small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on his right hand or on his forehead, so that no one can buy or sell unless he had the Mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of his name. This calls for wisdom. If anyone has insight (understanding), let him calculate the number of the beast, for it is a man's number. His number is 666.

Is it really 666? Let's take a look.

The Other Number of the Beast: 616

P.Oxy. LVI 4499

The newest volume of Oxyrhynchus Papyri contains a fragment of the papyrus that is the Revelation which some sections are from the late third/early fourth century. There is one little section that we should look at with interest and that is the number that this papyrus assigns to the Beast: 616, 665 is also found, rather than the usual 666. We knew that these variations existed. The number - chi, iota stigma (hexakosiaideka hex) - is in the third line of the image shown below

Image 1

Perhaps what Apostle John saw was not 666 but actually was something else.

Did John see the word "Allah"?  If you continue to read on this teaching then you will agree with me that the scholars did changed it, because they did not know that it was an arabic language making it to be the Greek letter digamma which no longer exists 
and the  last letter of the Greek letters chi xi stigma also does not exist anymore in Modern Greek. Some experts in ancient Greek can’t even agree whether that the last letter is stigma or stigma score.

There’s no doubt that the Greek scholars translated each word, and wrote down what they thought was most reasonable for this passage from Revelation 13:18

Hode - Here

Esti - is

Sophia - wisdom

Echo - let him that

Nous - understanding

psephizo - count/decide

Arithmos - the number, multitude, or group

Therion - of the beast

Gar - for

Esti - it is

Arithmos - the number, multitude or group

Anthropos - of a man

Kai - and

Autos - his

Arithmos - number, multitude or group

Chi xi stigma - which was mistranslated into 666 but it is suppose to be the symbol of two crossed swords and the Arabic word Bism Allah (in the name of Allah).

So the characters chi xi stigma are not actually Greek characters but rather an Islamic symbol that John saw in his vision and wrote it down as he saw it and the Greek scholars did not know what it was and to them it appeared to be what they thought was the chi xi stigma.  

Look at the "X" in the image 1 above, also with image 2, 3, and 4 below, which is actually the Islamic symbol of two crossed swords. 

Image 2

Image 3

Image 4

The next word in the image appears to be "Allah" written vertically in Arabic script next to the X or the sword in image 2. 

It is obvious that the scholars who wrote down the original text did not recognize the Arabic language and then by trying to make sense of it wrote down what they thought to be the Greek letter Xi.  So what Apostle John saw was actually the Arabic symbol -- Bism Allah, which is translated "in the name of Allah" and that is what Apostle John actually wrote down as he saw it from his vision.

Here, we see the similarities.

As we look at the Greek word Psephizo, it can be translated "to decide" also Arithmos can mean a "mulititude or group".  With all of this in perspective, the alternate translation should read like this: 

"Here is wisdom, Let him that has understanding decide the group of the beast, for it is the group of a man (that is Muhammad) and his group (or multitude) is "in the name of Allah". 

"and his group (or multitude) is in the name of Allah" - Remember that when Apostle John saw this vision, He saw the symbol Bism Allah which the Greeks assumed that it was Greek Characters therefore translated it into a number in error, with all this evidence we see that what Apostle John saw in His vision was a symbol in Arabic and He was not able to understand the vision because Islam was not yet born as a religion until over a few hundreds of years after John's death.  If you read the Revelation and compare that with what is going on now a days, then you will realize what Apostle John was trying to do was to warn us about this religion and group of the Anti - Christ who will spread his religion with a large following in the end times with the false prophet by his side and we are not to take allegiance to this mark which is in the name of Allah whom is the Dragon (Satan) that is mentioned in the Revelation. 

If you look up the word mark in Greek it is Charagma which means servant hood, servitude, or badge of allegiance. 5480xáragma – properly, an engraving (etching); (figuratively) a mark providing undeniable identification, like a symbol giving irrefutable connection between parties.

5480 /xáragma ("brand-mark") was originally any impress on a coin or a seal, used by an engraver on a die (stamp, branding iron). 5480(xáragma) later became "the identification-marker" (like with anowner's unique "brand-mark"). stamp, mark. From the same as charax; a scratch or etching, i.e. Stamp (as a badge of servitude), or scupltured figure (statue) -- graven, mark or sign. 

A symbol, sign or a brand mark of Allah giving irrefutable connection between parties or group, like the black flags of Khorasan or "IS" Islamic State.

In the Strong’s Hebrew Lexicon defines the word Charagma as the mark stamped on the forehead and the Greek phrase for dexios is “right arm”, as we see the radical Islamists raising up their right arms to declare their allegiance to Mohammed and Allah. They are not indicating that they are number one, but when they raise their finger up in the air like this is because they are giving their allegiance to their Caliph and declaring that their Allah is god and there is no other. But we know that their Allah is not the same as our God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, the God of Israel is Adonai Yahweh or Yehovah and it is not Allah even though some uneducated Christians might tell you that he is, but Allah is not. The mark stamped on their forehead or raising their right hand and arms by millions of Extremists is a way to declare their allegiance. “And his group (Multitude) is in the name of Allah”.

The mark stamped on their forehead or raising their right hand and arms by millions of Extremists is a way to declare their allegiance. “And his Multitude is in the name of Allah”.

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