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Mystery Babylon

Mystery Babylon has been a mystery for so many centuries, many scholars and Christian theologians had attempted to interpret Apostle John's visions in many ways that the whole world is now so confused.  Even Apostle John did not understand some of the visions that was given to him because it was not yet the time to be revealed until now, yes in these latter days we are witnessing many events that have already occurred and are now occurring at this time and more is to come as we read the signs that Yeshua, the prophets and Apostle John has given us. 

Yes, the question "Who is mystery Babylon" had eluded many people for so many centuries because the signs was not all there until now, the end times.  How do we know?  We know that we are in the latter days or the end times when God said that He will restore His people (Israel) back into their own land in the latter days, and that happened after they became a nation again in 1948.  Ever since then things in the Middle East started to come into play just as it had to so that the word of God may be fulfilled through the Holy Scriptures. In this teaching I will reveal to you who this mystery Babylon is according to Scriptures, it all will fall into place as we go through the verses in Scriptures and in the Brit Hadasha (Renewed Covenant) known to the Christians as the New Testament.

The majority of you have heard that mystery Babylon was the Catholic Church; some have said it was the European Union, and some have said that it was China, Russia or perhaps it is the Islamic Religion.  Neither of those is correct because it does not line up with the Holy Scriptures.  Although the Islamic faith does have a lot of role play in this but Islam and the whore of Babylon are not one and the same as some Bible scholars have told you. They teach you that the whore of Babylon and the beast are one and the same but that contradicts Scriptures.  If you remember in Revelation the Whore rides on the beast and controls the beast, but the revelation also reveals that the Beast hates her and wants to destroy her.  Do you see the problem here, the theory that they are one and the same does not line up with the Holy Scriptures. Remember, the beast hates her. If the beast was Babylon then why would it hate itself and want to destroy itself; that does not make sense.  As we go through the Holy Scriptures you will see the Bible opening up and fully reveal to you who this mystery Babylon is.

Please pay close attention so you will not get lost.

Revelation 17:9 "This calls for wisdom: the seven heads are seven hills (kingdoms) on which the woman is sitting (riding on the beast or controlling the beast); also they are seven kings-(still talking about the beast that the woman is riding on and not the woman).

17:10 -five have fallen, one is living now and the other is yet to come; and when he does come, he must remain a little while. This is talking about the Kings and Kingdoms that ruled the world and in Bible history the Kingdoms that ruled the world were the ones that controlled Jerusalem.

During Apostle John's time five of those kingdoms have already fallen which was the Egyptian empire, the Assyrian Empire, the Babylonian Empire, the Persian Empire, and the Greek empire.  Then it goes to say one is living now, this one was during Apostle John's time and that was the Roman Empire, then the other is yet to come and must remain a little while. As you read earlier, we know now that the seventh was Mohammed and the eighth will be the Mahdi whom will come from the seventh.

Now we read again to refresh our minds that the ten rulers will come into power at the same time as their Islamic world leader.

17:12The ten horns you saw are the ten kings which have not yet begun to rule, but they receive power as kings for one hour, along with the beast.

 These are the ten rulers that will rule at the same time as the Mahdi will rule.

17:13They have one mind and they hand their power and authority to the beast. These ten rulers will hand their power and authority to the Al Iman Mahdi because it is their leader, most likely these rulers are Islamic and of course they would hand their power and authority to the Mahdi so easily because that is whom they've been waiting for (their world leader).  This is how he gets his power to rule the world because the world is so dependent on Middle Eastern Oil to survive economically. 

Let's go to Revelation 17:1-7 and then back to Revelation 17:15 to find out who Mystery Babylon is.


Revelation 17:1 "Come I will show you the judgement of the great whore who is sitting by many waters." 

17:2 "The kings of the earth went whoring with her, and the people on the earth have become drunk from the wine of her whoring."

17:3 "He carried me off in spirit to a desert, and I saw a woman sitting on a scarlet beast filled with blasphemous names and having seven heads and ten horns." 

(This is talking about a kingdom that is like ancient Babylon with strong military power which they have a lot of allies that are drunk with her foreign policies, but this time she was seen in the desert sitting on the beast and controlling it.)  

17:4 "The woman was dressed in purple and scarlet and glittered with gold, precious stones and pearls. In her hand was a gold cup filled with the obscene filthy things produced by her whoring." 

This kingdom is rich and full of filth from her whoring getting things from the nations lustfully. 17:5 "On her forehead was written a name with a hidden meaning, Babel the Great - Mother of Whores and of the Earth's Obscenities".  She is of the earth's obscenities because she is a great influence to the world and the world copies her and is filled with many sins.

Revelation 17:15 Then he said to me, "The waters that you saw, where the whore is sitting, are peoples, crowds, nations and languages.  Here Apostle John is taken away from the vision in the desert and back to when she was sitting in the waters which is where she is from according to Revelation 17:1. If you put all of this in perspective from Chapter 17:1-15, you will see that it is the United States of America. 

Yes, she sits in many waters and is filled with people from many nations with many languages.  She is of the earth's obscenities because of the sins that we teach the world like gay marriage, crimes, drugs, sinful acts, rapping, and other things that the world follows.

If you don’t believe me then go to the next verse in Chapter 17:16 “As for the ten horns that you saw and the beast, they will hate the whore, bring her to ruin, leave her naked, eat her flesh and consume her with fire”. 

Chapter 17:17 For God put it in their hearts to do what will fulfill his purpose and that is to be of one mind and give their kingdom to the beast until God's words have accomplished their intent.  These two versus is saying that these nations and the Mahdi will hate the United States of America and want to destroy her-this is why they chant "Death to America" all the time, so with this same mind frame (ideology) they give their power  to their Mahdi to destroy the woman. (Youtube has a lot of videos on this chanting "Death to America")

Chapter 17:18 “And the woman you saw is the great city that rules over the kings of the earth”.  Yes, we are the super power and whoever is the President of the United States of America is the most powerful man on this earth and the world looks up to us for everything, the world have their own currency but the world trades in the U.S. Dollar currency because it is the world reserve currency.  

Then the fall of the Great Babylon from Revelation 18:1-24 which talks about the world weeps and mourns over her, because no one is made rich by her anymore. 

No one is made rich by her anymore, from her exporting to importing - America has made many countries rich. "For your businessmen were the most powerful on the earth, all the nations were deceived by your magic spell."

Only here in the United States of America do we have the most talented and powerful businessmen out of the whole world and the magic spell of the stock market exchange that deceives the world.

“Within one hour she is destroyed”. 
Our Military knows that a Ballistic missile from that area to come here would take about the same time, within an hour. I remembered Nostradamus predicted something like this for the United States as well and he said the same thing, within an hour the new city (United States) would be destroyed by fire.

This makes sense because to them we are in the way for them to destroy Israel. They cannot do anything to Israel because we are too powerful and always protecting Israel. We are called the big Satan and Israel is called the little Satan according to the Islamist. But the real Satan has always wanted to find ways to get rid of God's Chosen people Israel.  He tried that through so many leaders but failed to wipe them completely off from the face of the earth because of God's intervention for His people Israel.  After the United States is Gone, Israel will endure because everything started there and all will end there and God will be with His people in Israel forever.  

For those who do not yet believe that it is The United States then you must ask yourselves then why does a Great big strong nation as the United States of America has not been mentioned in the Bible?  If you open your minds then you will definitely see America in the Holy Scriptures as the mystery Babylon that God will allow for it to be destroyed.  Also the Anti-Christ will do this because He wants to be the most powerful man in the world and to have a one world religion which their Quran demands.  The Mahdi will have the Islamic Jesus, their Messiah to deceive the world and the world will follow the beast as mentioned in the Revelation.

I hope that this is not too much for you and if it is then please don't be angry with God, but rather pray for your redemption and bring others into the family of God before it is too late.  We cannot stop what is going to happen because it has already been written and the prophecies will take place so that God's words can be accomplished.  Our real home is to be with our Messiah Yeshua (Jesus) and we must remember that here in the United States of America is only temporary.  God has a better place for us and we must accept that, May God Bless you all.  

The End.

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